Chell Oliveira

Chell Oliveira


Campaign unfolding


Chell Oliveira


2 weeks

Development of graphic material for the campaign of elected councilor Chell Oliveira, following the established visual identity, using the institutional colors green, yellow, and red. The project includes the production of an explanatory folder for the Shared Mandate, campaign flyers, business cards, and templates for social media. The photographic grid with images of the candidate and supporters was applied to the cover of the main material, creating a dynamic and representative composition.


The differential in the production of materials lies in the clear and didactic organization of information about the Shared Mandate, with efficient use of the grid and institutional colors to separate and highlight each popular laboratory. The adaptation of the content to different formats maintained the essence of the communication in each piece, creating a cohesive set of materials that facilitate the understanding of the innovative management proposal.


The unfolding of the materials aims to ensure visual consistency across all campaign pieces, maintaining the hierarchy of information and facilitating the understanding of the Shared Mandate. The layout prioritizes the clear reading of the proposals from the popular laboratories, using visual resources such as bullets and icons for better organization of the content while keeping the visual identity aligned across all formats.

The main challenge was to organize the technical information of the project into pieces of different sizes, from small handouts to detailed folders, ensuring that each material fulfilled its specific communication purpose while maintaining coherence with the visual identity of the campaign.


A complete kit of campaign materials was produced, including: an explanatory folder of the Shared Mandate with popular laboratories, campaign flyers with photo and campaign number, business cards, templates for social media (Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp), wind banners, signs, and a model letter for direct mail. All materials needed to comply with the electoral regulations of the TSE and maintain the visual unity of the campaign.